List of Projects (Simplified table view)

Project Type Stage Project Number Project Title
Geoscience Management P1004A P1004A - DET CRC implementation
Geoscience Management P1153 P1153 - Applying the explorers' toolbox to discover Cu, Au and Mo deposits
Geoscience Management P1162A P1162A - Unlocking Australia's hidden mineral potential - Stage 2:- The Roadmap
Geoscience Management P934B P934B - West African Exploration Initiative Stage 3
Mineral Processing Management P009Q P009Q - Mineral Processing
Mineral Processing Project Completed P009P P009P - Mineral Processing
Extractive Metallurgy Management P260G P260G - Flotation
Extractive Metallurgy Management P420F P420F - Gold Processing
Extractive Metallurgy Management P420X P420X - Gold Processing Bolt-on Research Studies
Extractive Metallurgy Management P705C P705C - Improving Base Metal Electrowinning
Extractive Metallurgy Project Completed P1152 P1152 - Bayer Precipitation and Alumina Quality
Extractive Metallurgy Project Completed P420E P420E - Gold Processing
Multi-disciplinary Project Completed P1150 P1150 - Moisture Measurement/Control for Iron Ore Conveyor Systems
Sustainability Management P1171A P1171A - Environmental Dust Removal
Sustainability Management P933B P933B - Long Term Acid Rock & Tailings Drainage Mitigation thru Source Control
Sustainability Project Completed P1171 P1171 - Environmental Dust Removal